....her own world....

Weird is the very nice description you would get;
different would definitely be a good one;
metaphoric would make it to the top ten list;
but a thorned-rose best describes this blog.

Disclaimer: (Art above is not mine)
This blog might be a bit depressing for some, emotions might be stirred, feelings affected, questions left unanswered, etc. Viewer discretion is advised.... If you don't like what you see, don't comment. Just close the tab and it won't bother you anymore. :)

26 Feb 2010

She's back

Its so funny how my first post of the year is mi telling the world am about to freestyle a finance test!
Yes I know what you are thinking, who the heck does that? And no before you say it, am not a finance guy. lol.
Now that that's settled....
AiMi's back. Yes I know the name has changed plenty over the years, but I promise, this is here to stay. I kinda lyk it cause it still means the same thing as my real
Nothing writing spectacular happened over the break....well miracles did but I dont have enough space to write about all of them
Finally decided am gonna become a writer and own travel and touring agencies. I guess the whole business thing is gonna pay off in the end. 3yrs of suffering not going to waste.
Might be going to Japan this summer....wohooo....I think....would talk more on that later.
Well, time to go play in class cause thats all I think am gonna be doing for the next hr....
but hey who kows, maybe a miracle would come around once more....

