I don't want to keep apologising for who I am.
I don't like feeling the need to apologise for who I am or how I am.
Yet who I am/how I am most times feels wrong.
Mentally, I understand that having certain traits does not mean you are a bad person.
Yet I can't ever shake the feeling of guilt. The feeling of fear that I will 'get caught'.
I think I have a shitty personality. People think I'm nice. I am, to a certain extent. But why don't I always think before I speak?? I don't have to be witty always, yet I feel naked when I'm not. And then I feel bad when I am.
I feel bad because it's the dominos effect. Once the first sentence comes out, it sticks and they all fall down.
Is there a happy medium??
I can't complain because in this story, I am not the victim ever. But it's okay to cry to you right??
I'll reset the hundred days. God help mi, I don't need something else on that plate.
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