....her own world....

Weird is the very nice description you would get;
different would definitely be a good one;
metaphoric would make it to the top ten list;
but a thorned-rose best describes this blog.

Disclaimer: (Art above is not mine)
This blog might be a bit depressing for some, emotions might be stirred, feelings affected, questions left unanswered, etc. Viewer discretion is advised.... If you don't like what you see, don't comment. Just close the tab and it won't bother you anymore. :)

5 Sept 2016

Life of the party....

I don't want to keep apologising for who I am. 

I don't like feeling the need to apologise for who I am or how I am. 
Yet who I am/how I am most times feels wrong. 
Mentally, I understand that having certain traits does not mean you are a bad person. 
Yet I can't ever shake the feeling of guilt. The feeling of fear that I will 'get caught'. 

I think I have a shitty personality. People think I'm nice. I am, to a certain extent. But why don't I always think before I speak?? I don't have to be witty always, yet I feel naked when I'm not. And then I feel bad when I am. 
I feel bad because it's the dominos effect. Once the first sentence comes out, it sticks and they all fall down. 

Is there a happy medium?? 

I can't complain because in this story, I am not the victim ever. But it's okay to cry to you right?? 

I'll reset the hundred days. God help mi, I don't need something else on that plate. 
