17 Dec 2013
Forgotten Fears
9 Dec 2013
Posted by Mi at 09:05:00 0 comments
Giving Thanks - December 10th
Posted by Mi at 09:04:00 2 comments
Bad Habit
Posted by Mi at 07:13:00 0 comments
8 Dec 2013
The Last of the '-ember' Months
There are some people you know and think of, and you don't put them and death in the same scene. I mean you know, at the back of your mind somewhere, that everyone would die someday. But these people just don't come to mind when you see an RIP or hear of a person's passing.
I always dread December.
Maybe its because of December 10th, or the fact that in the last 3/4 years, I have lost someone close between around this time, or the superstition behind the '-ember' months, but December has always been my least favorite month. Sad too, being that it is Christmas' month and all.
Just heard a friend of my dad passed away. He was one of those people I mentioned above. The ones you just don't associate with death. Even more so with his death. He simply slumped.
Such an odd thing death is. One minute you are talking to someone, and the next minute, they are not there anymore.
This hurt more because I had the unfortunate and unexpected job of breaking the news to my mum. 'That's impossible', she said, 'We were together only last week.'
His wife said he woke up in the morning and slumped.
Its so scary this month. Almost feels like the rounding up of a chess game. Where the pieces move randomly and unexpectedly.
The lonesomeness of death is most scary. Scarier still if you already feel alone.
Praying that this year shall not close with anymore loved ones, and we shall only celebrate the Joy that is the Lord's birth in this season.
Praying for comfort to the families that have lost loved ones this season.
Praying for us all.