I want to come to a place where He is my best friend. My go to. My source or solace. My rock. The one I turn to in distress, in times of need, in fear, in joy, in laughter, in pain, in all things.
I want to come to a place where His voice is what I hear before I make a decision in life, major or minor. Before I take a step, life changing or no. Before I do anything.
I want to come to a place where I know Him, and still desire to know him more. Where I long to read His word. Where I thirst and hunger to commune with him and dwell in his presence.
I want to come to a place where I can call him Father and truly see His work as my heavenly Father in mi. Where I know He will guide my path in love, and I know and am willing to let him.
I want to come to a place where I believe that His thoughts and plans towards mi are for good and not for evil, to bring mi to an expected end. Where I understand these words. Where I am able to honestly believe and let go with faith.
I want to come to a place where I can honestly stand proud and call myself his child, without the lingering feeling of guilt and shame. Where I can have an answer to the statement, 'tell me your testimony....'
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