Yes, you currently aren’t worth it.
Most days, I sleep longer, because the day seems to go by quicker. It's not at if I have anything especially exciting to do in the morrow, or as if there is something new to look for in the next day. No; it is simply because the hours are less tedious and boring when reduced. The same routine daily; maybe in varying order, but ultimately, the same. Then I have to ask myself, is this really it in life??
I figured as a people, some of us spend most of our life's trying to figure out what we want to do with our lives. By the time we get the semblance of a possible hook on the answer, something always gets in the way. Though granted there are some lucky ones; a few I dare say, who find that path that leads them out of the never ending monotonous circle, and off to the 'road not taken'. Those are the lucky ones to mi, because they have found a way to break the curse of boredom. Though what lies beyond the road is still a mystery. For all unknown, it could simply be a road to another endless circle, or a round about journey back to be original circle. But given the life expectancy of most humans, I'd say its better to take one's chances with be road, as the possibility of you expiring all the paths and coming back to the original dreadful circle in the course of one life time is pretty slim.
Posted by Mi at 04:11:00 0 comments
Labels: Depression hurts
Why do I get myself here all the time, when I knw I'd end up feeling crappy about it latter.
I torture myself most times, and I'm not a masochist though. Not by a long short. But it's almost like someone else plays mi and tortures mi in my stead it hurts somehow all I can do is bleed through it and cry through it and then move on. Accept it and love on.... Or accept it and bottle it all down inside I'd say I'm done, but sadly it's not my place. I have no say in what happens. So I can't say I'm done. I wish I could say.
Posted by Mi at 04:10:00 0 comments
Labels: Done
Posted by Mi at 21:50:00 0 comments