....her own world....

Weird is the very nice description you would get;
different would definitely be a good one;
metaphoric would make it to the top ten list;
but a thorned-rose best describes this blog.

Disclaimer: (Art above is not mine)
This blog might be a bit depressing for some, emotions might be stirred, feelings affected, questions left unanswered, etc. Viewer discretion is advised.... If you don't like what you see, don't comment. Just close the tab and it won't bother you anymore. :)

20 Feb 2009

So Sick

I want to make this declaration...I think Yamashita Tomohisa is one of the most BEAUTIFUL (and why the hell is English so short of words when you need it not to be...) beings I have ever seen. And that is putting it mildly. I could sit and stare at his face for decades, and not find a single flaw... I mean I thought Matsumoto Jun was the height but dang.... Makes you wonder how he came to be you know? Like what do his parents look like? I mean too generations of beauties had to collide to produce him...*sigh.... I wish...


"Innocent Love"
Imagine this. You like a guy, who is in love with a girl (actually engaged to her), who is in love with another guy (her fiance's closest friend), who claims to have gone gay so she has to marry the other guy. So everyone stands in a row staring at the back of the person in front of them.
Now lets say the girl engaged has an accident and is a vegetable for three years, her fiance, being faithfully in love, prays and hopes above all things for her to recover. You, wanting the person you like to smile, also pray with him for her recovery. Of course you only just met a few months back, so your self sacrificial prayers haven't gone on that long. But in the end, one of those times, God answers.
She wakes up and is healed. But her brain has to redevelop, she she reverts to being a child, who only wants what she wants and nothing else.
Now the woman who tried to hide her love for her fiance's friend is no more, and in her place, a selfish child remains. She immediately goes over to the friends, says his name first, learns to walk so she can go to him, and refuses to go home with her fiance...
Tell me something, if you were the guy (fiance), what would you think? After three years of devotion and prayer, what do you pray to God for now? And you, who so earnestly wanted your crush's happiness, isn't this simply the height of cruelty? Not only have you self sacrificed, but you almost wasted your efforts...
...Oh but it gets worse...
Fiance (guy) finds out that fiance (girl) slept with the 'meant-to-be-gay' friend the night before her wedding, saying, and I quote " love me really for the last time". So how much love does he need to prevent him from driving a stake through her heart? Of course, all you can do is 'be there for him'...

...People claim to date several people at once so they get the positive aspects from each and create the perfect person. But you know, with each person comes a share of problems, and you end up having twice or thrice -or whatever the number of lovers you have - the amount of problems an average person has to take care of...

Random arent I?


babiijam said...

like, really, u NEED 2 put up a picture of the beauty that was described in the 1st paragraph, so the masses/readers can FULLY appreciate who ur talking bout, ya know? onegai.

Mi said...

does that satisfy you, or do you want a different one, cause I have them in ABUNDANCE!!

harumamiura lover said...

is it me...or is the guy in that picture the hot korean from hanayori dango??? the storyline even seems slightly familiar, but with the boy girl roles reversed...please correct me if im wrong so that i can find out about the guy in the picture and go on to devote myself to being his fan! x

Mi said...

Ok first off Mi dear, the guy in the picture is very much Japanese!!! The story line I was talking about there was not a series he acted btw...It was just another one I watched. I simply felt like writing that at the
But that definitely doesn't mean you cannot go devote yourself, pls by all means, devote away!!!
He is Yamashita Tomohisa, Japanese and claims to be born in 1985 (which would make him 24, but I refuse to believe he is older than 20!!! lol) and he is THE most gorgeous being I have ever set eyes on (in reality and tv)...ever!!!)
You might be thinking of Matsumoto Jun or Oguri Shun from Hana Yori dango (gorgeous boys too btw), that is the Japanese one. As for the Korean version, if there is one, I dont know who you could have him confused with, sorry...