....her own world....

Weird is the very nice description you would get;
different would definitely be a good one;
metaphoric would make it to the top ten list;
but a thorned-rose best describes this blog.

Disclaimer: (Art above is not mine)
This blog might be a bit depressing for some, emotions might be stirred, feelings affected, questions left unanswered, etc. Viewer discretion is advised.... If you don't like what you see, don't comment. Just close the tab and it won't bother you anymore. :)

15 Apr 2013

Dear Diary: Fin

I actually almost cried writing Emotional due to lack of sleep maybe?? haha. 

I know I was his first love.
Its funny though, all this realization happening years later. 
Until recently, I had forgotten what it really meant. 
People say when it happens, it happens and etc. I'm like, what? 
Laughing now as I recall, cause all the 'they says' about love are true.

I remember the first time we met. Sometime between 8pm and 9pm. Not too close to 9 cause there would have been more people out. But not before 8 because there would have been more adults out. I don't remember the actual time though, cause I didn't have a watch on. I wanted some water, and he was coming down for something too. We didn't say a word to each other, just smiled and kept on with our business. 

The next day we met once more, at the same place, between 8 and 9pm. This time, we had some silly conversation about the water and being out at that time and getting in trouble. After that, we met everyday, like clock work. I told my friends about this older guy I met who talked to mi often. It was a big thing for mi. Guys hardly used to talk to mi then, with a smile, for fun. 

I didn't realize how much I talked about him or how much better talking to him made mi feel, till I had a bad day. I lost a competition and I felt so down. It was the one thing I had every year. The one thing I was good at, the one thing people smiled at mi for. It broke my heart to loose it. My friends tried all they could but I would not smile. They all decided only he could make mi feel better.

So they sent someone to go get him. And he came!! 

I can't tell you for sure if I was happier or more surprised when I saw him. I didn't think he would actually come. Everyone till him had run or turned sour, but he actually came. It must have been a little scary, if I think back, because the possibility that some guy actually cared about mi for mi was too bizarre then to consider. 
When it comes to scenes and their details, what people say to mi and the situations, I have a photographic memory. But on this day, we walked around the little city and talked for hours. But I cannot tell you what we talked about. I know the path we took - across the hall from one set of stairs (where he met mi), to the other. He got mi to stop crying first (I remember leaning against him when he came - must have been nuts >< to do that - and he let mi!! I think I was sure he was an alien then!!). 
Then we went down the stairs, toured the science complex next door, the building across, then somehow ended up back at the bottom of the original stairs, singing with my friends. He had never hung out with my friends, but we were all singing and talking and laughing. We even got him to sing (everyone said he should to make mi feel better....again he did - I was still unsure of his earthling status. lol). 
I can't remember what we talked about that day, but I know I was smiling. I don't know what I was thinking back then, but I can guess it must have been 'It's so warm and bright where he is'. 

Every time I spent with him, I spent laughing. I, unfairly, asked him recently, to tell mi about fond memories, knowing fully well I won't be able to answer if he asked mi back. Every time we spent together was a fun memory, an escape from my real world. He made mi happy. But even better, he made mi believe I had a right to be happy. 

But if I must, my fond memory is the same scene which played over and over. We never planned it, but we always ended up going to the movies together. When we meet, he would lace his fingers with mine - I was sure he had a hand fetish >< - and we would walk to the movies together. Then sometimes (most times lol), he would put his arm around my shoulder and still hold my hand - see, hand fetish haha. I can't tell you what we talked about, but I know I was always laughing. Always smiling, always happy. Then I thought I felt warm. Now, I know I felt loved. 

Don't get mi wrong, the hell I was living in never changed. I just never let him see it. I was happy and there was no reason to merge the two. He was so bright, the thought of tainting him with the madness that was my world was just obscene. More for my selfishness I think. I was probably afraid he would leave mi when he saw mi from their eyes. 

You might be wondering, 'what happened then?' Well I guess distance and time and experiences separated us. Don't get mi wrong, we are still excellent friends. He still makes mi laugh and I still don't know how we spend hours talking on end and not know what we are talking about. But now, he is a friend. Then he was my savior. The only light in my life. I needed him, almost to the level of a basic necessity. But I didn't dare think or believe there was anything between us. I couldn't even admit it to myself, let alone him or anyone else, that I had anything besides friendly feelings for him because, the mi then, I was sure he would take flight - like all before him. The idea of loosing him simply because I couldn't be content was unfathomable to mi. And since he was not going to say a thing, it worked out perfectly imperfectly. 

Now though, I can breathe. Now I don't need him to happy. Some might say thats harsh, but you have no idea what sort of burden it would be on a person if you were the only reason for another person's smile. Luckily, he had no idea he was my savior then, or that I depended on him so much or about the burden on his shoulders. But saved mi he did. Now I don't need him to be happy, but I need him as a friend. At some point, as I grew and let go, he gradually dropped from 'savior' status, to human, where he belonged. 

I often laugh and tell him we were star crossed lovers, but we've both agreed to say we once dated. He wishes he could go back in time and relive it, he says he misses those days. Mi, if I could in a different life I would. But if I was to relive it in this life, I would not. Because what was a daily life to him, was a little bit of heaven in hell to mi. Now who wants to ever relive hell?? See why I say star-crossed lovers?? 

But now, looking back, I can tell he was my first love. I loved him a lot more than my little head could accept or ever know then. He didn't know this before, but reading this, he probably knows it now. haha
We were little sweethearts. We shared the purest love and I can say, with a smile, we enjoyed every minute of it. 

So for creating a world for mi to belong, making mi a part of your life and giving mi friends, memories and something to keep the blades away. For making it possible for mi to have a time from back then when I can only smile as I recall.... I can't thank him enough. 

I keep telling him I want to meet the girl who steals his heart for good and he doesn't understand why. I want to meet her because I know he would love her a hundred times more than he loved mi, and from experience, thats an amazing amount of one of the best kinds of love to have!! I'm almost jealous of her, haha. 

So this is my final diary entry for us. A tale of a first love that flowed into one more everlasting, one of true friends. 


13 Apr 2013

Mi and Flowers

Its not that I hate them.
I mean granted, I am yet to find a flower with a scent I find appealing, and I do not want to receive flowers as a present. Despite all this, I do love seeing gardens with beautiful flowers. Yes, I think flowers are beautiful. In their natural state, planted and under the sun. 

Isn't it just too cruel to uproot a plant in order to present it to someone as a gift, only to have it die in a few days?? If you must give someone flowers as a present, how about presenting them in a flower pot?? A present that ends up in the garbage turns out to be a waste. Sure, the thought is what they say counts, but really now....

And for some reason, I get mad at the flowers. I know it makes no sense, and its not their fault they end up being plucked. But still, its like they give up without even trying. Not putting up a fight when they get picked, and then wilting away soon after. They are living things too, so I think or wish they would fight to live more. This is a rather illogical thought of mine, I know, but still, can't help it. 

So while I would not like to get a bouquet of roses (which by the way I can't stand the smell of), I would not mind going to spend a day or a minute at a beautiful flower garden, watch the sun set and know that I can go back there anytime to relieve the memory and watch my 'present'.  

9 Apr 2013

1012 Advanced

I ddi a recap of my blog all night long, as you can tell, my insomnia is still active. Went over the 1012 posts and I noticed one thing, time does heal wounds. 
THe words I used over the years have in deed changed. In the beginning, it was all pain and sadness and tears. But then I noticed, as time went by, I started talking about remembering the good times, smiling, etc. 
I don't think the saying means time would wipe out the wound and make the place new. But it would heal and make it bearable. It healed alright, with a scar. Not the kind that hurts daily, maybe from time to time. But the fact remains, it heals. 

What Have You Done So Far?

Watched a movie today about three old women who saved for most of their life wanting to go to Hawaii, and in the end, lost all the money and never made the trip. 
Then I read an article about a 20 something year old Nigerian girl who set up an air ambulance service in Nigeria. 
All I could think to myself was 'What have you done with your life so far??'

Some people might say I have achieved a lot, but its weird cause I don't feel that way. Maybe because everything with mi seems to start and get completed and then I move on, so I feel like I haven't done anything. I mean I have all these ideas I've thought about but never really put too much thought or effort into....

Partly cause despite being Nigerian, I feel I don't have as much patriotism as a lot of people seem to. The passion to 'go back and change my home land' isn't really burning in mi. A part of mi does feel some what guilty about this. I mean I should have love for my mother land, no?? But at the same time, I cannot say I would go back home to settle and 'make a change' cus I know I won't be happy. Thats the one thing I am sure about. 

I've always been a cat, or a bird or whatever animal you want to call it that loves freedom. Being tied down to one country seems so.... sometimes I wish it was possible to be a citizen of the world. Like does it really matter if the difference I want to make isn't in a specific country?? Does it matter if people don't know about it?? 

I wish I could tell myself it didn't. I think rather than people, I'm the one who feels like.... I guess I just need to.... no, its not that I want to do something big and drastic like change the world or etc, but I would like two things, probably separate from each other - to touch the life of a child or children in a special way, and to start something that would be recognized.... ah, maybe they don't have to be separate after all. 

I always wanted to start up an orphanage for kids. But more than the normal kind. One where they would be taken care of till educational wise as well, with free education all the way to college/technical school. My only problem was where to locate it. People would say in my home country of course, but thats not the only place where orphans are located now is it?? Maybe I can do a house in different country. Have a certain number of kids around the Oprah's children. 

Maybe I can do this, but I'd have to start small. Like adopt a kid for instance.... virtually.....sponsor maybe?? Or get people to sponsor....should I go into child psychology??

Ah, I'd need to look into this more and pray some more.

 For now, I'm tired. I'd drive myself insane keeping myself company for too long, I just know it. 

I do Day

My wedding.

First off, I think I'm thinking about this cause I have a lot of free time and my cousin just got married, but regardless of what I say (and I do say a lot of BS), there are some constants that I must have for my wedding it seems.

1. Location: Nigeria, North.
I don't care if I am marrying someone from Mars, my wedding has to be in Naij. The thought of not having ALL my family members at that wedding is not fathomable. My grandpa, the love of my life, has to be there for one (God willing), my grand ma, cute little thing she is, has to also be there (also God willing). Then my cousins and siblings, whom I believe invented the art of partying, must be there. Lets not get into my aunts and uncles and regardless of what people say, you get more love back home at weddings than elsewhere. Other places, there is like a closing time for your wedding. Naij, bless our soul, with our semi-lawlessness in that regard, feel free to party all night or marry all night as the case may be. 

2. Religion: Christian.
This should probably be one, but I'm not writing this in any order. I cannot, for one thing, deal with the drama of explaining to my folks why I have to marry a non-christian, or the future drama of what religion my kids would be, or all the etcs that come with inter-religious weddings. He has to be Christian, no debate there and no gist necessary actually.

3. Theme: Traditional and White.
My wedding shall be about a week long event lol. And yes, it is an event. I wanna have my Spinster's Eve/Bachelor's party (separate pls, none of that joint business. Do your thing, I'd do mine), on one night. Then my traditional weddings - His culture (yes, non-Nigerian if you must know), and my culture (both the Edo and Hausa side....we shall make it mix lol). Thats too much work for one day so two days. Then of course the Church wedding and reception then of course thanksgiving. Its mainly 4 days, but since it would be a lot of work, we'd say trad weddings first - tuesday, wednesday - then break thursday, parties friday, wedding/reception saturday and thanksgiving sunday. 

4. Wedding time: Brief.
I am not getting married on a Sunday, so my wedding SHALL NOT be a Church service. Don't get mi wrong, I love going to church and worship and all that wonderful stuff, but thats what Sunday is for (as well as midweek services). If the wedding is more than 1 hour, max 1 hr 30, there is a problem. I went to wedding once where it seemed like the wedding was just a part of the church service, kinda how you do thanksgivings. Nope, not for mi. 

More to come....

8 Apr 2013


Saw this on a friend's blog and decided it should be fun. Not particularly busy at the moment so what harm would it be?? hehe


1. Last drink:
2. Last phone call:
Friend from work
3. Last text message:
Friend from long before.
4. Last song you listened to:
Malogede, Timaya ft Terry G
5. Last time you cried:
Been a while, thankfully


6. Dated someone twice:
7. Been cheated on:
Yes technically
8. Kissed someone:
9. Lost someone special:
Yes… too many to count
10. Been depressed:
lol spent most of my teenage years in this alley, now not so much thank God.
11. Been drunk and threw up:
Mmmm.....nope but close


12. Black
13. Purple
14. Blue
15. Peach


16. Made new friends:
Yes, I move a lot so kinda need to
17. Fallen out of love:
18. Laughed until you cried:
19. Met someone who changed you:
Can't say I have
20. Found out who your true friends were:
Yes, I've always known.
21. Found out someone was talking about you:
Yep, it hurt like hell then, but if I find out now, lol idcare.
22. Kissed anyone on your friends list:
Yes. ><
23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life:
A number of them actually!!
25. Do you have any pets:
Nooo but I want a kitty-kat so bad!!!!
26. Do you want to change your name:
Lol why ever?? Thats the cutest thing about mi plus it personifies who I have always been... to a fault lol.
27. What did you do for your last birthday:
Had an amazing day with my mum, brother and friends.
28. What time did you wake up today:
Officially 1pm. >< (I'm off today). 
29. What were you doing at midnight last night:
Talking to a friend on skype.
30. Name something you CANNOT wait for:
Settle down-ish.
31. Last time you saw your father:
Christmas in England, 2011. Been too long!!!!
32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life:
My obsession about my weight and how I view myself/think others view mi sometimes. Also my innate desire to please all. 
33. What are you listening to right now:
The silence.
34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom:
Too many, I even have a cousin named Tom.
35. What’s getting on your nerves right now?:
My boredom.
36. Most visited webpage:
Mangago.Its always on my tab.
37. Current city:
Chiba, Japan
38. Nicknames:
Baby, Babygirl (mainly family), Babe (only one person calls mi this haha), Mi, Mi-chan, sometimes AiMi....I refuse to go back in time for others. 
39. Relationship Status:
Single and needing a change. Kinda bored of it. 
40. Zodiac Sign:
41. Male or female or transgendered:
So female. I wished to be Male at some point, don't know what I was thinking lol
42. Primary School:
International Unity School. 
43. Middle School:
Still unsure what school 
44. High school:
Loyola Jesuit College (ugh, this place)
45. Hair color:
47. Height:
5'1 (I like to think its 5'2 but my best friend would vehemently disagree so). 
48. Do you have a crush on someone:
Right now? Nope.
49: What do you like about yourself:
My tenacity when it comes to something I love, my love of languages, the fact that I am immensely loved by God (Even when I clearly don't deserve it), my family, my dad and mum (yup, separate entities), my brother....gosh I actually do love quite a lot about myself contrary to past tales.
50. Piercings: Ears and belly
51. Tattoos:
52. Righty or Lefty:
Both but writing with my right hand....everything else I tend to do with my left.


53. First Surgery:
This year.
54. First Piercing:
Ears, when I was born I think.
55. First Best Friend:
Tolu Kehinde....haha we were so adorable then.
56. First Sport you Joined:
Sport? Whats that? lol. I think track team in Loyola lol. 
57. First Pet:
Some dog my family owned (as you can tell, I'm not a big fan of the canine breed)
58. First Vacation:
Inside Nigeria – To Kagoma, Outside - England
59. First Concert:
Never been. The idea of all those people in one room scares the crap out of mi. Also, I don't know if I'd want to pay to go see someone sing live, I tend to not like every song a celebrity sings so.... (I bought a concert video once and before it was half way done I was I guess I'm not a concerty person). 
60. First Crush:
Feyi Kehinde (Oh how he would love this haha). 


61. Eating:
Nothing. Need to fix that
62. Drinking:
63. Already missing:
My friends and family
64. I’m about to:
Shower and study for the GRE
65. Listening to:
My Japanese neighbors talking through the VERY thin walls of my house.
66. Thinking about:
Best way to speed up my Korean learning.
67. Waiting for:
My posting


68. Want kids:
Yup. 2 born, 2 adopted....still iffy if I want a girl in that mix. Maybe one. 
69. Want to get married:
Yup. But I don't know if I'd ever find the guy who can accomodate all my crazies and has the right cultural mix lol.
70. Careers in mind:
Forensic Psychologist (Dr). Already one but need the PhD to get the Dr part. 


71. Lips or eyes:
Eyes....lips....I guess eyes more cus, though I can't stand ugly lips.
72. Hugs or kisses:
Can't I have both??
73. Shorter or taller:
74. Older or Younger:
I don’t mind either but I’ve never dated younger. Younger would have to be max a yr though. Can't have someone either of my brother's ages....scratch that, Older only lol. 
75. Romantic or spontaneous:
Romantically spontaneous. I like romance but I don't want to be acting some chic flick all the same. 
76. Nice stomach or nice arms:
Nice stomach. I'm not doing anything with the 
77. Sensitive or loud:
I'm both loud and sensitive I think so not sure....unless I don't understand the question.
78. Hook-up or relationship:
Relationship. Hook-ups are a chore.
79. Trouble maker or hesitant:
Trouble maker. I'm hesitant, we can't have two of those.


81. Drank hard liquor:
Lmao, is there any other kind??
82. Lost glasses/contacts:
Glasses, once I believe.
83. Kissed on 1st date:
84: Broken someone’s heart:
Once. He didn't speak to mi for a year afterwards!! Brutal!!
85. Had your own heart broken:
Yea once, and it was the worst feeling ever.
86. Been arrested:
Nope. My father would disown mi speedily and I would automatically become poor among other things. I wasn't built for poverty and lovelessness. lol. 
87. Turned someone down:
Yes! With more I should have. 
88. Cried when someone died:
Last time I cried when someone died was the plane crash. After that, each time seems like something out there....kind of detached. Scary really. 
89. Liked a friend that is of the same sex:
Nope, but I won't be all that shocked if it happened. 


90. Yourself:
Ya. I try to more and more daily.
91. Miracles:
All the time. My life is a testimony.
92. Love at first sight:
Whats that??
93. Heaven:
Ya I have to. There are people whose deaths made no sense to mi and my only consolation was that they would be in Heaven and I can see them again if I do well with Christ. Take that away and life becomes purposeless. Also, there are people who were designed for Hell and it won't be fair for them to end up in the same place as others if there is no Heaven....
94. Santa Claus:
Lol, even as a kid I didn't. 
95. Kissing on the first date:
If it happens, sure. 
96. Angels:
Ya, but not the Hollywood version. 


97. Is there one person you want to be with right now?:
I haven't met him yet.
98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time?:
99. Wish you could change things in your past?:
Ya a lot, oh wow quite a lot.
100. Are you posting this as 100 Truths?:

Well that was fun. It even took my mind off what I initially wanted to write about haha. Now off to shower, eat then study....not necessarily in that order. 

7 Apr 2013


So, out of curiosity, I went back to read my posts from 2010. Such a different person I seem to have been then, its a bit scary. At the same time, the underlining mi is still there. I learned a few things though. At some point, I loved Japan a lot more. I guess its kinda like marriage, 2010 was the honeymoon phase, now its an old couple affair. Needs some spice lol. 
Secondly, I wanted to study psychology deep down. I fing that amusing for some reason. 
Finally, I was pretty messed up in the head. Granted, i cant testify to my sanity right now, but back then, I was a bit too rowdy

Well, dazall. 

Been a min

So I just noticed my last post was on Valentines day....funny coincidence cus it gave mi something to write about slightly related. 
Today, for the first time, H.Ending sent mi a message first. I was between dumbfounded and excited when I saw it, I probably looked like I just found some secret candy in my room lol. I mean the message wasn't anything was a sentence to be honest, but thats not the point. After knowing him for 2yrs, liking him for most of those yrs, its the first time he has done that....

And before you start assuming, no, I don't like him anymore. Trust mi I thought about it for a good while when I caught myself excited. I guess aside from the entire crush on him business, I wanted to be his friend really. That weird friend thing I have haha. I mean when I think about it, I never actually wanted to date the guy 

Also started a new blog today, about my Japan travels. Figured I'd separate that from my regular blog. Yes, I know I tried having a separate blog before and it didnt work out but we'll see....