....her own world....

Weird is the very nice description you would get;
different would definitely be a good one;
metaphoric would make it to the top ten list;
but a thorned-rose best describes this blog.

Disclaimer: (Art above is not mine)
This blog might be a bit depressing for some, emotions might be stirred, feelings affected, questions left unanswered, etc. Viewer discretion is advised.... If you don't like what you see, don't comment. Just close the tab and it won't bother you anymore. :)

3 Mar 2009

I adored my Nigerian school because...

1) I made friends in high school. Not girls that hang out together because the cool girl is amongst us...real friends.

2) I had no psycho girls who pushed me over the edge daily just because I was different. Sure people were mean, but there was always someone there to stand up for you or to say stop. No absolute queen...

3) I never had to conform or compromise just to be friends with someone. As it all comes out to be in the end, it is never worth it

4) The teachers had authority...yes I hated it, but it has to be much better than authorities being in the hands of crazy kids who so do not know anything beyond their immediate sense of hatred or anger.

5) I had no serial killers, professional junkies or unidentifiable wierdos among me.

6) I got a family. Different, random, annoying and stressful...but a family none the less... Like the marines, "we care for our own". We may curse at each other, but others outside dont survive cursing at one of us.

7) There wasn't that girl or guy who got picked on to the point of insanity, suicide, murder or anything of the sort. Sure there were people picked on, but someone always stops 'pickers' or someone makes sure he or she feels needed in some way. Even if it might be 'using' them, in a weird way, it is still a reason to keep on living, and it is not done so clearly with a "Using you" stamp.

8) You can't look back and truly say "I hated high school" totally!!

9) There was a corner at some part in the school I felt home...

10) The only other place I think I would want to have gone to high school might be Japan...and that might just be because I want the experience...


cosmicyoruba said...

i wish i went to your high school...and i'm not sure about going to high school in Japan that is unless i was Japanese. not to say Japanese are racist but i'm pretty sure i'd feel lonely as a Yoruba girl in a Japanese high school.

btw i love your blog! i'm also a Nigerian girl who loves anime & manga.

Mi said...

thanks so much for the comment! Oh wow, you love anime and manga? Many of my friends think I am a bit odd, so it is a breath of fresh air to know someone else likes animes and mangas. As for the Japanese thing, yea I think you are right, but I believe there are Nigerians everywhere, and it would not be suprising if you find someone else there :)

cosmicyoruba said...

you're welcome! よろしく!! yep i do, i watch Asian dramas once in a while too n__n and as for friends the ones close to me all watch some form of Asian media...i made sure of that.

actually i made friends with a Japanese exchange student who went back to Japan this year and he told me he met some Nigerian guy in Tokyo. most of them know Nigeria because of this idiot tv 'talent' called Bobby Ologun (you can find him on Wiki), a man who embarassed himself for money. i just pretend i don't know him when my Japanese friends ask me if i do.

and i've heard quite negative things about Nigerians in Japan but one can never be sure. i did hear that there are lots of Nigerians in Philippines though. i'm sure there may be Nigerians in Tokyo and Okinawa but maybe not other smaller cities.

there is a Japanese university campus in my town and i'm part of the anglo-japanese society. i've noticed that the way some exchange students act, it is like they've never seen an African before. lol sorry this is a bit long!

Mi said...

mmm...I've heard about that Bobby Ologun guy somewhere else before, but I never paid attention to him. So he was a big deal huh? lol. well my best friend and I plan on going to Japan together sometime next year, so at least I wont be by myself or so bored. I do have a couple of friends that are into mangas and animes, and the ones into Asia are mainly Japan related (They are only into Japanese things ok...)
I've never had a physical Japanese friend...sadly, but I do have two pen-pals though!!! wish I could get some more...I dont know why or when I became very into Japanese
And u r fine, I write and read long messages all the time :)

cosmicyoruba said...

it is a good thing you didn't pay attention to Bobby, he's not worth it. i have read that random black men in Tokyo have been called 'Bobby' by strangers. he was a big deal alright.

and thanks for giving me permission to write and write and write. i need a break from writing this research proposal that is due today and i've mentioned this on 3 blogs already...

i'm sure you'll have great time in Japan! i'll love to go to except i don't have much money and my mum is pretty much against me going. (i think she's afraid i'd fall for a Japanese guy LOL). i'm pretty much diversified with Asian stuff. it started with Japan, now i'm studying China and i'm going to marry Korean singer Rain. i've found that i got bored of Japanese stuff after a while especially when i met Japanese people for real. i still read manga (both Japanese and Korean) though but then again i'm a pretty diverse person.

pen-pals are great! do you write letters or send emails? i know i became interested in Japanese stuff 2 years ago. then i started learning Japanese last year. then i became interested in Chinese stuff last year as well. i introduced my friend to Japanese dramas and she in turn introduced me to several Korean celebs. LOL.

i kind of lost interest in Japanese stuff for a while because i was unhappy with the lack of responsible female characters in anime, manga & dramas. i had read and watched all the good stuff and wasn't happy with the rest. i was also scared of becoming a Japanophile so i took a break.

also i don't know if you grew up in Nigeria, but that could mean that you also watched anime while growing up but never recognised it as such. for example one of my fave cartoons growing up was 'Speed Racer' and i didn't know it was a Japanese cartoon till last year when the movie came out. i had watched the English dubbed version. also some of my friends watched Sailor Moon, Digimon, Pokemon etc. so you could have been exposed to Japanese media earlier than you think ;)

Mi said...

Ha ha...I do not have any objections to becoming a 'japanophile', as long as I keep the secret between me and a select few so I dont get sent to the
yea i did grow up in Naija, actually only moved over to the states for times...yea i think i did grow up watching animes and disney cartoons but had no idea what i was watching then. lol
I TOTALLY FEEL U ABOUT THE ANIME-DRAMA GIRLS!!! I mean in all my life, i have never met a larger selection of idiotic children that it scares me! most of the time i find a girl in the show whose life is extremely dispensable to me, but insists on staying. highly frustrating! But then the boys make up for it a thousand times over!!!
I mean all the anime, manga and drama boys are so beautiful, you wonder why they are not part of this side of the world (Well that might be partly because i am adverse to all things unbeautifl- if there is a word as that - so i kinda dont watch anything without beautiful!!!!
I have never reall watched any other asian thing cause i dont really like the way the languages sound...I think I am just being biased towards Japanese language... :P but I do watch some chinese movies here and there...less since i started following japanese series and

cosmicyoruba said...

don't worry your secret is safe with me ;) just please don't become an extremist.

yeah as kids we don't know what we watch but i know i watched more anime than Disney cartoons. the truth is i was never much of a 'watching' person. i'd rather read.

boys in anime are great. i just wish girls were the same. and i'm a believer in the power of media in influencing people especially the youth. it doesn't send out a good message.

so you like the bishounen! that's great. i've seen a few beautiful boys in real life though. the most beautiful i've seen was a Chinese guy that was going out with this Japanese girl i knew.

ha i used to be like you regarding the language. let's just say i'm unbaised now.

Mi said...

really? That would have been sweet...seing a really beautiful one
Yea I hope I dont become an extremist


cosmicyoruba said...

lol, good luck in everything though! i know i'll enjoy your blog :D

Mi said...

Thanks and you too!!!

cosmicyoruba said...

hello again, long story but i may have actually gone to your Nigerian school and you may know me! so please send me an email...