....her own world....

Weird is the very nice description you would get;
different would definitely be a good one;
metaphoric would make it to the top ten list;
but a thorned-rose best describes this blog.

Disclaimer: (Art above is not mine)
This blog might be a bit depressing for some, emotions might be stirred, feelings affected, questions left unanswered, etc. Viewer discretion is advised.... If you don't like what you see, don't comment. Just close the tab and it won't bother you anymore. :)

13 Nov 2009

I sit here and wonder....

I sit and wonder sometimes what happened to the good old days when countries went to war and soldiers were led by their leaders, i.e. Kings and Queens? When people went to war for reasons other than 'I think they would attack me'?
Now the soldiers march off to war and the leaders stay home to 'monitor and give instructions'. Ah gone are the good old days where the Kings and Queens were the country not only in name but in body as well, and they fought for those countries. They shed their own blood with that of their people, and when they won, they could proudly say 'I bleed for my country'. Now they get chatted off to some secret safe island, and they proudly say 'We weep with the families of those who bleed'.
And no, I don't mean that the military should take over, for even that makes no difference. The name for the 'King or Queen' is simply changed. He/She is still taken to safety.
Whats my point?
I believe when the actual leaders are really in the battle, then it would not be so easy to make the decision to go to war. It would not be so easy to say 'send more troops in'. It would not be so easy to say 'I'm sorry he is gone, but he made his country proud'.

I sit here and wonder, when did War become a game of chess, with the Kings or Queens playing with human targets and even having a stand in sometimes for 'checkmate'? Only thing worse than a game of chess with humans is a game of never-ending chess with humans. The goal is to out-number the opponent into surrendering. So basically the country with the most population wins in the end cause the King-Queen can and will keep sending more pawns and pieces into the game, until there are no more left.
This is a war, they say.... casualties are expected.
Ah but pls, tell mi all this when the call to 'Charge' is made by the person leading the 'Charge'....

I sit here and wonder....