....her own world....

Weird is the very nice description you would get;
different would definitely be a good one;
metaphoric would make it to the top ten list;
but a thorned-rose best describes this blog.

Disclaimer: (Art above is not mine)
This blog might be a bit depressing for some, emotions might be stirred, feelings affected, questions left unanswered, etc. Viewer discretion is advised.... If you don't like what you see, don't comment. Just close the tab and it won't bother you anymore. :)

5 Oct 2007

This is mi...

Its a mystery I must confess,

this tale am about to tell.

Its a story with distress,

Tells how she rose and how she fell.

Its not a tale I like or know how to tell,

So bare with me if usted no entiende...

She is special- so she was told,

Eccentric, unfortunately, not so bold.

She had a smile to give,

And a heart upon which love lived.

She listened to it all,

the good, the bad, the ugly, in one ball!

Let me tell you the tale about this girl,

in who's eyes you see what you wanted to see,

in whose mind she is what she truly wants to be.

Behind that smile, yes, there is a heart of gold,

yet still behind the smile is a world of cold.

Let me tell you about she,

who hides it all from the world to let life be.

She gave up on total joy a while back,

she resigned to the fact that that too, she would for now lack.

Off the joy of others she feeds,

and for this reason, in them she plants happy seeds.

So in laughter she laughs with them,

and in tears, her pain is twice the same.

I cannot successfully tell you all about she,

for even I know not what that be.

A complex-web some call her,

a pleasant mystery, with none before her.

I wish I could let you in her world,

So you may see and not only hear my word.
The X's she loves, and them too she fears
If only she would let down her cares.
But once she tried and broke his heart,
She couldn't help it, and thats a fact.
So now when she knows, she runs quite far away!
Far and fast before he finds something to say.

For now the sun sets, and I must go,

For in the dark her horrors blow,

doomed to plague her ever waked soul.

Sometimes she is free, Sometimes she finds relief.

For total relief from her past she seeks to find,

A past that reoccurs and hunts her for years undefined.

The time has come and so I must be gone,

for this is all she would will me say and I am now done.

I know you do not understand her and that is fine.

But she does you and knows where, for your understanding,s he'd draw the line.

To the world she still remains an easy complex,

To the world she still lives in her facade of emotional success,

And thus she shall remain until her true conquest....

Am a star in their world,

But a bird still out in the cold.

With a voice the X's die for,

and a smile Y's crave for....

i am a joy to my Father,

A gem trying to run no farther...

...this is mi...