....her own world....

Weird is the very nice description you would get;
different would definitely be a good one;
metaphoric would make it to the top ten list;
but a thorned-rose best describes this blog.

Disclaimer: (Art above is not mine)
This blog might be a bit depressing for some, emotions might be stirred, feelings affected, questions left unanswered, etc. Viewer discretion is advised.... If you don't like what you see, don't comment. Just close the tab and it won't bother you anymore. :)

1 Jul 2013

50 Shades and Other Colors: Rated R (3)

Ok I lied. I can't stop ranting lol. But since this is my blog, I do as I please....

I love this page: 

I think it sums up almost everything (and some) I was ranting about in my last two rather long-winded essays - ya turned out longer than I expected. Hilarious.

My friend, who introduced mi to the book, is head over heels for it, and thinks I am same. I don't have a heart to tell her how I truly feel. That and the fact that she seems ready to rip heads off when it comes to this book. And I think I'm the only one in my current continent who did not get 'violently' turned on at all from the books!! A second friend told mi it's hard reading the books here, since we're alone. Took mi a few seconds to gather she was referring to the sexual aspect. Erm....I was quite fine actually. I think the Brotherhood series, now that would have been a hard read. I think the only difficulty was getting past the exaggerations and the repetitiveness - the number of times I had to read 'oh (insert name)/ 'crack whore', 'your Ms. Robinson', same old arguments, etc. 

Oh and just on a side note, What was the use of the random character in the building (I forget the name Es....), the one that looked like he worked for the media?? He didn't play any role - aside from having things delivered to him - in the story so I don't understand why he was included. 
Another side note, why were there several pages of very unnecessary emails - back and forth - between Ana and Christian?? About a third of the third book was comprised of said emails - that again added nothing to the story line. 
Side note again (lol). I am hoping Christian remembered to take out all the grossness he keeps stuffing in his pocket, and spares poor Mrs Jones. Though a woman who would clean up the play room toys  after various women with questionable hygiene, health status and background, doesn't strike mi as one who would be so particular about the gross contents of her boss' pockets. And why, pray tell, does he have like five million condoms spread across all his clothes?? Does he have them on auto-delivery from some store or something?? 
Final side note (I promise), I think Ana would make a fine psyc patient. She definitely has some delusional disorder, possible schizophrenia, is bipolar, has some borderline and histrionic traits, is co-dependent on her master/dom/husband....a psyc ward's dream, whats not to love?? 

Ok I'm done now. Really lol. 
Bed time. Had a good laugh and feeling better.