....her own world....

Weird is the very nice description you would get;
different would definitely be a good one;
metaphoric would make it to the top ten list;
but a thorned-rose best describes this blog.

Disclaimer: (Art above is not mine)
This blog might be a bit depressing for some, emotions might be stirred, feelings affected, questions left unanswered, etc. Viewer discretion is advised.... If you don't like what you see, don't comment. Just close the tab and it won't bother you anymore. :)

14 Jul 2008

The things I ask...

And if i tell you he stole (took without permission) an item from me, and I am going to take it back from him without asking, would you say I'm also wrong? Did I too sin as well by taking back, what was in the first place, originally mine, without asking?
If he pulls the trigger on everyone around me, and I do it to him before he does it to me, will you also say that I was wrong too? Did I too sin as well, by killing him before he killed me?
If she sleeps with men who are not married to her, and I give in to a rape making it seem consensual, will I too be seen as a whore? Did I too sin by not fighting anymore so as to reduce the damage that would be done to me?

I ask you these things,
yet you give me no reply.
I ask you these things,
yet you look at me in silence.
Do you not have anything to say to me?
Do you not have anything to confess to?

Don't compare the two of us,
simply because it is convenient for you!
Don't compare the two of us,
simply because you cannot think of a better word to use for me!
Don't compare the two of us,
because I am 'Me', and you are 'You'!

Is it fair that you smile at the moon from afar,
yet up close you treat it differently?
From afar it looks like the perfect twin,
pure and bright with no imperfections,
yet up close, you see the scars it tries to hide,
and you, believing it is the evil twin, are quick to judge.
You, believing it is the lesser one, are quick to run and hide.
Is it fair that you smiled and raised hope without finding out the other side,
only to turn around and crush that Hope along with the shred of life that once was there?

You say the words,
I hear them well,
Yet as your mouth moves,
You body moves in the opposite direction.
Step out of the picture and take a closer look,
Is it one side of you I see, all of you?
If you wish to show me all of you, then I would accept you as you are.
But if you wish to show me a side of you, then keep the other side away from me forever.
For it would crush the me that has come to love the side of you that I know,
and the me that was before I met you, all together, to find out there is a different side to you.