....her own world....

Weird is the very nice description you would get;
different would definitely be a good one;
metaphoric would make it to the top ten list;
but a thorned-rose best describes this blog.

Disclaimer: (Art above is not mine)
This blog might be a bit depressing for some, emotions might be stirred, feelings affected, questions left unanswered, etc. Viewer discretion is advised.... If you don't like what you see, don't comment. Just close the tab and it won't bother you anymore. :)

8 Apr 2013


Saw this on a friend's blog and decided it should be fun. Not particularly busy at the moment so what harm would it be?? hehe


1. Last drink:
2. Last phone call:
Friend from work
3. Last text message:
Friend from long before.
4. Last song you listened to:
Malogede, Timaya ft Terry G
5. Last time you cried:
Been a while, thankfully


6. Dated someone twice:
7. Been cheated on:
Yes technically
8. Kissed someone:
9. Lost someone special:
Yes… too many to count
10. Been depressed:
lol spent most of my teenage years in this alley, now not so much thank God.
11. Been drunk and threw up:
Mmmm.....nope but close


12. Black
13. Purple
14. Blue
15. Peach


16. Made new friends:
Yes, I move a lot so kinda need to
17. Fallen out of love:
18. Laughed until you cried:
19. Met someone who changed you:
Can't say I have
20. Found out who your true friends were:
Yes, I've always known.
21. Found out someone was talking about you:
Yep, it hurt like hell then, but if I find out now, lol idcare.
22. Kissed anyone on your friends list:
Yes. ><
23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life:
A number of them actually!!
25. Do you have any pets:
Nooo but I want a kitty-kat so bad!!!!
26. Do you want to change your name:
Lol why ever?? Thats the cutest thing about mi plus it personifies who I have always been... to a fault lol.
27. What did you do for your last birthday:
Had an amazing day with my mum, brother and friends.
28. What time did you wake up today:
Officially 1pm. >< (I'm off today). 
29. What were you doing at midnight last night:
Talking to a friend on skype.
30. Name something you CANNOT wait for:
Settle down-ish.
31. Last time you saw your father:
Christmas in England, 2011. Been too long!!!!
32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life:
My obsession about my weight and how I view myself/think others view mi sometimes. Also my innate desire to please all. 
33. What are you listening to right now:
The silence.
34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom:
Too many, I even have a cousin named Tom.
35. What’s getting on your nerves right now?:
My boredom.
36. Most visited webpage:
Mangago.Its always on my tab.
37. Current city:
Chiba, Japan
38. Nicknames:
Baby, Babygirl (mainly family), Babe (only one person calls mi this haha), Mi, Mi-chan, sometimes AiMi....I refuse to go back in time for others. 
39. Relationship Status:
Single and needing a change. Kinda bored of it. 
40. Zodiac Sign:
41. Male or female or transgendered:
So female. I wished to be Male at some point, don't know what I was thinking lol
42. Primary School:
International Unity School. 
43. Middle School:
Still unsure what school 
44. High school:
Loyola Jesuit College (ugh, this place)
45. Hair color:
47. Height:
5'1 (I like to think its 5'2 but my best friend would vehemently disagree so). 
48. Do you have a crush on someone:
Right now? Nope.
49: What do you like about yourself:
My tenacity when it comes to something I love, my love of languages, the fact that I am immensely loved by God (Even when I clearly don't deserve it), my family, my dad and mum (yup, separate entities), my brother....gosh I actually do love quite a lot about myself contrary to past tales.
50. Piercings: Ears and belly
51. Tattoos:
52. Righty or Lefty:
Both but writing with my right hand....everything else I tend to do with my left.


53. First Surgery:
This year.
54. First Piercing:
Ears, when I was born I think.
55. First Best Friend:
Tolu Kehinde....haha we were so adorable then.
56. First Sport you Joined:
Sport? Whats that? lol. I think track team in Loyola lol. 
57. First Pet:
Some dog my family owned (as you can tell, I'm not a big fan of the canine breed)
58. First Vacation:
Inside Nigeria – To Kagoma, Outside - England
59. First Concert:
Never been. The idea of all those people in one room scares the crap out of mi. Also, I don't know if I'd want to pay to go see someone sing live, I tend to not like every song a celebrity sings so.... (I bought a concert video once and before it was half way done I was I guess I'm not a concerty person). 
60. First Crush:
Feyi Kehinde (Oh how he would love this haha). 


61. Eating:
Nothing. Need to fix that
62. Drinking:
63. Already missing:
My friends and family
64. I’m about to:
Shower and study for the GRE
65. Listening to:
My Japanese neighbors talking through the VERY thin walls of my house.
66. Thinking about:
Best way to speed up my Korean learning.
67. Waiting for:
My posting


68. Want kids:
Yup. 2 born, 2 adopted....still iffy if I want a girl in that mix. Maybe one. 
69. Want to get married:
Yup. But I don't know if I'd ever find the guy who can accomodate all my crazies and has the right cultural mix lol.
70. Careers in mind:
Forensic Psychologist (Dr). Already one but need the PhD to get the Dr part. 


71. Lips or eyes:
Eyes....lips....I guess eyes more cus, though I can't stand ugly lips.
72. Hugs or kisses:
Can't I have both??
73. Shorter or taller:
74. Older or Younger:
I don’t mind either but I’ve never dated younger. Younger would have to be max a yr though. Can't have someone either of my brother's ages....scratch that, Older only lol. 
75. Romantic or spontaneous:
Romantically spontaneous. I like romance but I don't want to be acting some chic flick all the same. 
76. Nice stomach or nice arms:
Nice stomach. I'm not doing anything with the 
77. Sensitive or loud:
I'm both loud and sensitive I think so not sure....unless I don't understand the question.
78. Hook-up or relationship:
Relationship. Hook-ups are a chore.
79. Trouble maker or hesitant:
Trouble maker. I'm hesitant, we can't have two of those.


81. Drank hard liquor:
Lmao, is there any other kind??
82. Lost glasses/contacts:
Glasses, once I believe.
83. Kissed on 1st date:
84: Broken someone’s heart:
Once. He didn't speak to mi for a year afterwards!! Brutal!!
85. Had your own heart broken:
Yea once, and it was the worst feeling ever.
86. Been arrested:
Nope. My father would disown mi speedily and I would automatically become poor among other things. I wasn't built for poverty and lovelessness. lol. 
87. Turned someone down:
Yes! With more I should have. 
88. Cried when someone died:
Last time I cried when someone died was the plane crash. After that, each time seems like something out there....kind of detached. Scary really. 
89. Liked a friend that is of the same sex:
Nope, but I won't be all that shocked if it happened. 


90. Yourself:
Ya. I try to more and more daily.
91. Miracles:
All the time. My life is a testimony.
92. Love at first sight:
Whats that??
93. Heaven:
Ya I have to. There are people whose deaths made no sense to mi and my only consolation was that they would be in Heaven and I can see them again if I do well with Christ. Take that away and life becomes purposeless. Also, there are people who were designed for Hell and it won't be fair for them to end up in the same place as others if there is no Heaven....
94. Santa Claus:
Lol, even as a kid I didn't. 
95. Kissing on the first date:
If it happens, sure. 
96. Angels:
Ya, but not the Hollywood version. 


97. Is there one person you want to be with right now?:
I haven't met him yet.
98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time?:
99. Wish you could change things in your past?:
Ya a lot, oh wow quite a lot.
100. Are you posting this as 100 Truths?:

Well that was fun. It even took my mind off what I initially wanted to write about haha. Now off to shower, eat then study....not necessarily in that order.