....her own world....

Weird is the very nice description you would get;
different would definitely be a good one;
metaphoric would make it to the top ten list;
but a thorned-rose best describes this blog.

Disclaimer: (Art above is not mine)
This blog might be a bit depressing for some, emotions might be stirred, feelings affected, questions left unanswered, etc. Viewer discretion is advised.... If you don't like what you see, don't comment. Just close the tab and it won't bother you anymore. :)

8 Sept 2007

Random thoughts...

OK for those of you who knew this, you remember when God created the earth? He pretty much created everything with one purpose you know- live, reproduce, and just hang around and eat. Man was the only one who had extra activity, and that was to play babysitter/king whichever way you want to look at it. But who would have guessed that jumping from tree to tree and just living wasn't good enough for him! Noooo! he just had to run along and start questioning everything! Then he decided to give it all answers - I mean he asked and he answered, isn't that a typical busy body! -and then pass the message down his lineage! I mean It's bad enough he chose to via away from the original pattern of life God had chosen for him, couldn't he at least have allowed his descendants to fall back in line!

And the worst of the lot are the physicists, exp the astronomers! Why would I, or any one else for that matter, want to know about life and other forms on other planets!?!? I mean we get the fact that earth ain't special - thanks to Copernicus and Galileo's busy-bodyness - why must we be sour losers!?!?! You've lost! Sorry, you ain't the special COA of the universe, give it a rest already! But noooo- am starting to like that word - you've just gotta find out something to break that!

I mean even their own kind - Michelson - said everything there was to discover has been discovered, and all else is in the 6Th decimal. But a certain somebody thought there were two more questions left, so then he brings up the atoms! The atoms for crying out loud! They are meant to be invincible. Hello, not to be seen, don't know they exist, background, not there, pretend you don't know me, invisible!! And this was even in the 80'!! It's what,the 21st century? science is no where near closing down, yet then they said they had just two more questions and then they were done.

The person I feel for the most is God. When man makes it to heaven - even those going the other way - he's gonna be like "How did you make that tree?" and "Uh why are the trees different, how do you do that?" and "Uh can you teach me to do that?" and "Uh so how did you get here?!"
It's like we try to give an explanation for everything. We want to make sure everything blends and agrees with all our rules and laws. And if we don't have laws to work something, hell we simply make more laws and force it down the throat of others! How much different life would have been, if all we had to do was play, live and go tree-hopping...

...well what do you know? All this drama simply because my astronomy teacher said we'd be having a test yesterday, kept me reading for 6hrs straight, got me worked up, pissed, stressed and pretty much feeling dumb about a long list of stuff, only to give me 5 "true-or-false-right-the-letters-T-or-F-only" kind of test...But hey, like I said, it's random thoughts...

Hope this didn't offend anybody :)