....her own world....

Weird is the very nice description you would get;
different would definitely be a good one;
metaphoric would make it to the top ten list;
but a thorned-rose best describes this blog.

Disclaimer: (Art above is not mine)
This blog might be a bit depressing for some, emotions might be stirred, feelings affected, questions left unanswered, etc. Viewer discretion is advised.... If you don't like what you see, don't comment. Just close the tab and it won't bother you anymore. :)

6 Sept 2007

tres amigos...

Well that's definitely stretching it but what ever. We remind mi of them, in a way, so I'd leave it as thus and get on with my tale. Remember how there are those three, either two boys and a girl or a boy and two girls. Well in this case the latter is the case.
The boy is the brain of the group. Well technically I don't know this for sure, but as far as Astronomy is concerns, he is the only one who had any physics foundation so that gives him the title. (Hey! Someones gotta have it) He is sporty- i.e. rides a scooter, fun and funny and loves the cubs (I don't know why that's important, but it is).

Then there is the girl. She is in the LBC (don't try to understand that). She's definitely lost when it comes to the one thing they all share, Astronomy. But she is a musical person. I mean she plays an instrument. You can say shes the brain in other aspects like... (OK if we were tres amigos, I would be able to finish that). But she is funny, forever laughing, and it seems like not a darn thing in the world can fase her! She is the jolly one of the group. Yeah and she is not a cubs fan.

Then there is mi. As usual, the average player. She doesn't know anything about the sport they love, so she's not on any side. Definitely is not the brains in the class, but she does know something here and there when it comes to the subject. She knows more maths - which is amazing - than the girl. They laugh at everything together. They are both always lost, which is fine. Everyone loves company right? Well she still retains her post as the worrier of the group. She worries about missing class, being alone when she does get to class, and the most vital point of all, she worries that her fantasy, this fantasy of the tres amigos, remains what it is now, only a fantasy...

It's really easy to get carried away in one's fantasy. For her, it's even easier. She's got no friends in the real sense of the word- people you walk with, chat with and ACTUALLY have something to talk about, laugh with, and do everything crazily possible with. None around her anyway. Her roommate is, and would remain, a blessing. She is her friend to a comments here... her church people, and did I mention she is christian? Well they are awesome, the best you can ever want. But then she remains a patriotic teenager. It's no ones fault they still leave her feeling empty and alone inside. She tries not to show it, but sometimes it wants to get out. Sometimes she just wants to scream and shout. Sometimes she wants to cry out. And yet other times, she just wants to talk to someone. To let it all out, to cry on a shoulder and know that after this, it would all be okay...

So the tres amigos have a fun life as it seems. Being crazy and living crazy, as long as the line permits. Little did they know though, that out of one lonely girls fantasy were they born. And in that same fantasy will they remain, if her worst fears are to come true....